Parodies Wikia

I've got no ground is a parody of I've got no strings about a little girl free from land and eternally in the air. And how in the air and alone there's no one and nothing to bring you down or give limits.



I've got no ground to hold be back

To keep me down or make me crack

I had ground but as you can see

There is no ground under me

There's no ground under me

I've got no ground to break my fall

No more limits, not at all

I've got no ground so I'll be proud

I'm not trapped onto any bound

I had ground but now I glee

There's no ground under me

I've got no ground and I'm relieved

Nothing but air far beneath

While they're down there I'm way up here

No doubt in sight, it's crystal clear

Once there was floor, but no more scree

There's no ground under me!
